Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rocks are punier at 9/10ths scale

In physics we have the idea of scale invariance. Here's how it applies to mountain bikes: You can think of 29" wheels as 10/9ths the diameter of 26" wheels, but you can just as well think of the wheels as the same size but the 29er sees all the rocks at 9/10ths scale. So that means the terrain is about 10% smoother on 29" wheels. Of course, on the trail, additional factors affect ride quality (wheel flex, geometry, suspension, etc.), but wheel size matters.

The 29er wheel is larger than the 26, but the step is the same size:

Equivalently, the wheels are the same size and the 29er rides over a world that's 9/10ths as big:

1 comment:

  1. Ed, Your mom sent me the link and I had time to peruse your blog today... and lo and behold your entry exactly demonstrates what I was trying to explain to my assistant about her new bicycle today... unfortnately as a philosophy major I did not have the words to explain what I knew, but you did!

    Have a great day and we'd love you take you and your wife to dinner next time you are down here. ... Cary Mac
